The DHS Best All-Arounds: Dave and Kristina

Music blaring, hearts pounding, and people sweating on the dance floor, homecoming is an exciting and anticipating time for seniors, especially those who are nominated for superlatives. It is tradition that each year, the senior class votes for one another for awards, such as Best Eyes, Most Spirited, and most importantly, Best All Around.
This year, the crowd went wild as seniors Dave Thomas and Kristina Georgadarellis were announced as the Class of 2014’s Best All Around, an obvious choice. There are a multitude of senior standouts in the class of 2014, and Thomas and Georgadarellis are well among them.
“I knew that I would choose Kristina for best all around in an instant and I am glad the entire class came to that consensus too,” said senior Hannah Cook.
“Dave definitely deserved Best All Around because he’s very involved in school and is friends with everyone. I don’t think he has a mean bone in his body,” said senior Courtney Fox.
“I remember people coming up to me and saying that they voted for me, and it still shocks me that enough people did to win me the award. I mean, it’s not anything huge, but it means a lot to me that my peers actually thought of me,” said Georgadarellis.
Senior Katie Cummings said Kristina is one of a kind and always gives 110 percent. “[Kristina] always gives her all, whether it be sports, school, or other activities. Overall, she just has a beautiful spirit,” she said.
“I think people voted for me because I pop up in many places. Plus, with 14 letters in my last name, it’s pretty easy to stick out,” said Georgadarellis.
Senior Nicole Simas said, “In my opinion, Kristina is one of the greatest people I have ever met. I was honored to be soccer captain with her this year, and she made it a great experience for me.”
“I don’t really define myself as a band geek or a jock or an artist, or whatever. My goal is to dedicate myself to the interests that I pursue and really put my heart into them and I think that just resonates well with other people, so that could be the reason [I won],” said Georgadarellis.
Her humorous attitude shines through. “Although, I do make a mean brownie,” she said, “so that could be the reason as well.”
“I have played soccer in the fall for four years: one year on JV and the rest on Varsity,” said Georgadarellis. Kristina has also been a member of the Literary Magazine Exactly What since last year. She was also a Kick-off Mentor for her junior and senior year, as well as an active member of the National Honor Society.
Kristina continues discussing how she has been a part of the jazz band all four years of high school. She also mentions how she had always wanted to be in a play, which is why she is in the competition play Mary Jane of Whitechapel and the musical Legally Blonde.
As for plans for the future, Kristina has no idea as to where she wants to go, but knows she’ll be happy anywhere. “I’ve been accepted to WPI, Wentworth, Umass Dartmouth, and I am waiting on decisions from Tufts and MIT.” She added, “Wherever I end up, it’ll be for engineering, and from there, we’ll see how it plays out.”
Kristina’s comedic personality again shone as she said, “Although, I feel like I’m going to be one of those people who go into hardcore science and math, get a degree, and then open up a bakery, something totally irrelevant to my studies.”
On a more serious note, she concluded by saying, “My decisions are based on the belief that everything works out in the end for those who work hard and set goals for themselves. I just want to be a person I can be proud of and maybe as a bonus, be a positive influence and make a difference too.”
Senior Dave Thomas is also charming, athletic, and intelligent. It’s no wonder why he received the Best All Around award.
Senior Stephanie Hakeem said, “He’s funny, smart, athletic, personable, and a thoughtful and considerate person. He gives more than 110% in all that he does.”
Thomas, who was this year’s Homecoming King and broke the school record by winning three superlatives, seems to be the epitome of the average, popular high school guy, but he is so much more than that. “He’s nice to everyone and always puts a smile on people’s faces,” said senior Marissa Mota.
Dave is involved in various activities around the school. “I’m the president of the National Honor Society, I’m a Freshman Kick-off Mentor Council Member, and I’m on the Principal’s Advisory,” he said.
Dave also played soccer, was a captain for winter track, and plays baseball. “I’m also in the Dartmouth High Theatre Company, and I volunteer for Special Olympics every year,” he said.
“Even though I feel that I should’ve won best looking, he’s still a very attractive kid and holder of the title,” said senior Jacob Pereira.
This isn’t Thomas’s first experience with music. He actually played the piano for five years and taught himself to play the banjo. His favorite song is “Ignition” and says he wouldn’t mind being Zac Efron.
“It’s cool that he’s not afraid to be different and isn’t afraid to try something new,” said senior Sydney Gordon.
As for plans for the future, Dave is also unsure where he will be attending next year. “I think it might either be Saint Louis University or Loyola University in New Orleans.” He is also unsure of what major he will be studying.
For people who are so friendly and outgoing, it’s almost strange how their perspectives of themselves differ from how others see them. “I’m a creature of habit,” said Thomas, “I’m also often a little intimidated of new situations.” Although Thomas is a “creature of habit” with his green water bottle that he has used for three years, he seems to be always trying something new.
Interestingly enough, Georgadarellis is the same way. “I get easily intimidated by other people, which is silly because they’re just people. Nothing to be afraid of, but for some reason I get super nervous.”
You can see both Dave and Kristina together on the stage of DHTC’s new musical Legally Blonde.