Search is on: What does DHS want in a new principal?

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It was revealed on January 17 that Principal John Gould would be resigning from his position. It has been said that the administration wants to have final candidates for the principal position by the end of March. So now the question is what do we, as a high school, want in a new principal?

History Teacher Douglas Bedard had a hopeful response. “If there was something I wanted,” he said, “I would want them [the new principal] to take personal responsibility to see to the success of all students they serve, while also helping to improve the teaching practices of the educators they lead.”

When asked what she’d like in a new principal, English Teacher and National Honor Society Advisor Catherine Madsen said, “Someone with a sense of humor.”

While teachers were more reserved with their answers, several students went on to openly express what they wish they could have in a new principal.

Junior Vegas Marshall said, “I would like to see someone who is interactive with students on a daily basis, and who’s not afraid to get involved in students activities. Just someone who’s not afraid to get involved.”

Student Council Member Charlotte Correiro, “I’m looking for someone to listen to the ideas of Student Council and Principal’s Advisory with an open mind and genuinely consider [their] ideas.” She continued, “I feel that these past years students have been spoken to in a very condescending way, and I would like it to be more of a person to person or adult to adult conversation.”

Sophomore Grace Woodcock who is associated with the Unified Basketball Team said, “I’d like a principal who is willing to put themselves out there for the good of the students, not just their own reputation as a leader. Someone who wants the best for the younger generation and knows what kids are interested in these days in order to keep us interested in academics and united as a school.” She proceeded to encourage that a new principal like the one she desires “will help us come together as one and help each other out in all aspects of school.”

Victoria Cosmo, the sophomore who organized the Animal Rights Club said, “I would like a principal who will place importance on a student’s well being as well as their learning process.”

Student Council Member and sophomore Hannah Chamberlain said, “I would like a principal who listens to students suggestions and works with students to come up with solutions to problems occurring around the school.”

The majority of the students have a desire for a principal who will treat the students not just as students, but as somewhat of a colleague. Someone who will take into account student’s own personal feelings and opinions on the student body. This especially coming from Student Council Members.

Sophomore Jack Mignault, an active participant in track and soccer, said, “Since Dr. Gould is leaving, [I would] like to see a principal with a kind heart, and someone who is willing to go through all and any barriers to help the students.” He continued, “Someone who is involved with sports, academics, band, and any other school functions would be great, and also someone who is willing to have fun and not be serious 100% of the time.”

Shreya Rai, a sophomore involved with the DHS Orchestra, said “I guess I’d like someone who will listen to the wants and needs of the students and who will try to take action on appropriate things that are being requested in order to benefit the students at school.”

English Teacher Jessica Lassey began by saying, “I think being a principal is one of the most difficult jobs because the expectations between faculty and students aren’t the same.” Adding, “I want someone who empathizes with students, but stands by their staff members. I want someone who looks to celebrate the uniqueness of all students. I think it’s beneficial to have someone who spent a lot of time in the classroom, and I think it’s critical that they want to immerse themselves in the culture that is DartmouthPride.”

There’s an apparent need for a new principal who will reassuringly listen to students needs and successfully be involved in bringing the school together. Many interviewees are concerned with the future of their school and are aiming for someone who will be involved with both academics and extracurriculars as much as possible.