Alumni Trio Returns to DHS as Teachers

For the first time in Dartmouth High School history, three new faculty members are also DHS alumni. Bryan Hellkamp (2003) and Lauren Enoksen (2006) are the newest members of the history department, and Wesley Lima (2010) has joined the English department.

Mr. Hellkamp transferred from the Fall River Public Schools. “I had been there a few years,” he said. “It was challenging, but quite rewarding. It has always been my goal to come back to Dartmouth so I can have the opportunity to pay it forward and give back to the community.”

Mrs. Enoksen is coming from Peabody Veterans Memorial High School in Peabody, MA. “Both my husband and myself are originally from Dartmouth and are DHS graduates. We moved to Medford, MA after I finished grad school in Boston, and I worked my first year teaching at Malden High School in Malden, MA in 2011-2012. I then started teaching at Peabody High for the 2012-2013 school year. We decided at the end of the 2016-2017 school year that we would move back to Dartmouth to be closer to our family.”

Mr. Lima has moved back to Dartmouth from Miami, FL. “I’m from Dartmouth originally and have always wanted to return to my alma mater,” he said. “So it feels great to be back.”

Mr. Hellkamp, Mr. Lima, and Mrs. Enoksen agreed that they felt very welcomed to the school and felt as though not much had changed since their attendance as students.

“Not surprisingly the environment here is very familiar,” said Mr. Hellkamp. “It’s like looking down memory lane as I walk to class in the morning and see the various groups of students hanging out in their “respective” areas of the halls and school.”

“I’ve felt welcome in the school since the day I was first interviewed,” said Mr. Lima. “Everyone on the faculty has gone out of their way to greet me and welcome me back. The students have been great. I relate to them so well, as a Dartmouth kid myself, and they remind me every day why I wanted to come back here.”

Mrs. Enoksen said, “Dartmouth schools are known for their excellence in preparing students for college and the workplace and giving students a great education. I had a great experience in high school as a member of the marching band, indoor percussion dance team, and the musical theatre union. To have the opportunity to live in the same town as the rest of my family, teach at the high school I attended, and have the future opportunity to get involved in helping with the same extracurricular activities I was involved in was a dream come true. “

In terms of experience, Mr. Hellkamp previously taught for five years and Mr. Lima previously taught for three years. Mr. Lima currently teaches English 9 Honors, Mr. Hellkamp currently teaches U.S. History 1 and World History, and Mrs. Enoksen teaches AP World History and U.S. History.

“It was a seamless transition for me just because I already knew so much about the school,” said Mr. Lima, “and Principal Thibault has been so genuine in his efforts to come in and help make DHS a great, collaborative school and a great place to work. I’ve loved being a part of that process.”

Mrs. Enoksen said, “Not that much about the building has changed since I went here, and based on my previous experience at past schools, I’m happy with the new rules Mr. Thibeault has instituted. The only thing I’ve had a little bit of difficulty with is pacing my lessons for an 86-minute class period, as I’ve come from a school that has seven periods a day for about 45 minutes each. At the beginning of the year, I found I was going over into the next day with some of my lessons, but I have the pacing down now.”

You can find Mr. Hellkamp, Mr. Lima, and Mrs. Enoksen on the C floor in both the history and English departments, respectively.