An Open Letter to Fox: Please Don’t Mess Up the New ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’


Look out for the Buffy reboot.

Hello Fox, its executives, and everybody working on the new Buffy sequel.

I am not a TV producer, a writer, or even remotely close to being a big name in the industry. However, I care a lot about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and want the series’s return to the silver screen to be one that is bold, rich, and doesn’t taint the name of the self-proclaimed “scooby gang” who ruled the Sunnydale slaying scene 20 years prior.

Two years ago, I binge-watched Buffy on Netflix, in between shifts at my summer job at a banquet hall and other typical sixteen-year-old summer activities. I was captured by the show’s brilliant writing, character arcs, and cheesy tropes. Not to mention the title character, a strong, independent woman who defends the safety of her town, goes to school, and still has time to hang out with her friends.

The last season ended in a place that sets the sequel up for success. Buffy distributes her slayer powers to the female population of the world. In other words, any girl who can be a slayer, will be a slayer. Now, the idea that one girl can yield the title of slayer (even though, at one point, there were two slayers at once due to Buffy’s untimely “death” and resuscitation in season 1) is relinquished. Hypothetically, any girl can wield a stake and dust a few vamps for the greater good.

In addition, the series, allegedly, according to The Hollywood Reporter, “will be contemporary and build on the mythology of the original.” That being said, this series isn’t a reboot, rather, a sequel. This means that there will be no recasting of Buffy Summers herself, or any of the original characters, thank goodness. If you listen closely, you can hear a collective sigh of relief of die-hard Buffy fans everywhere. We all feel, deep down, that nobody besides Sara Michelle Gellar would be able to do Buffy justice, and the same goes for her respective castmates.

Starting a new show in the midst of the Buffy universe with brand-new characters will be a daunting task, but since the show is only in the beginning stages of production with no clear premiere date, there is a chance that this message will be received.

Please do not mess up the Buffy sequel.

I understand Monica Osowu-Breen (the current showrunner for the sequel) is taking great care to preserve the mythology built around the Buffy-verse, but this series has the potential to be amazing, and I can’t help but be wary. Joss Whedon, a producer for the sequel, will be approving all Buffy-related arcs and storylines, which is comforting. These two, as well as everyone else working on the show, have the chance to give the upcoming generations the experience of seeing a strong, female vampire slayer on TV.

This new show also promises to bring another splash of diversity to the (mostly white) Buffy universe. With the previous success of the series, extended comic universe, and the looming yet vague 2020 air date in the distance, there is a lot riding on this new series. There is a chance that it could go horribly, but there’s also a chance that it won’t.

Being a slayer is a tiring, thankless job, yes, but it was a pleasure to watch Buffy grow and come into her own.  I hope that I will get to see those beloved dynamics play out again, this time, with all-new characters. Bringing the magical realism and vampire goodness back to the silver screen would be a treat. Fans of Buffy don’t want a complete revamping of the series they know and love (except maybe a better digital remaster, but that’s a story for a different article). Rather, they want a series that captures the excitement and intricate character development arcs of the original. Just like we saw Buffy come into her own, we want to see a new slayer rise up, take responsibility, and fight some vampires.

No pressure or anything, Fox, but the fans are watching.


Reilly Leconte