Fall ’15 Pep Rally: Seen through the eyes of two freshmen

Colby Lima

The 2015 Pep Rally was one for the record books.

Is there such a thing as too much hype? It seems that since the beginning of time, our older siblings and friends have told us about the legend that is Spirit Week. Now that we have experienced it for ourselves, it is time to answer the question: Did Spirit Week live up to expectations?

We have analyzed it ourselves and consulted our fellow freshmen. After seeing past examples of high schoolers decked out in their most creative garb, we expected fun and unique theme days as well as everyone participating. In reality, some of the themes lacked originality and there were surprisingly more people who refused to partake in the event than we had anticipated.

On Monday, the freshmen chose Neon Day. However, the majority of the class was completely unaware of their representation in the selection process. “I didn’t even know we had a say,” said freshman Nina Lamarre. Many of the people interviewed were not in favor of Neon Day. One freshman, said “Neon Day is stupid,” but we believed that there is definitely a feeling of unity seeing the student body join together dressed in their most cheerful colors.

Jersey Day was the overall disappointment. “It’s just one of those typical days,” said freshman Helena Farias. We felt that the idea was tired. The same concept was even done back in middle school. It restricted the creativity to one article of clothing, mostly Patriots and Dartmouth apparel, which made the variety of outfits very bland.

Pajama Day was the general favorite. “It’s the best day they could have come up with,” said freshman Kate Jones. It made parting with your slept-in pajamas less of a struggle. Everyone was comfortable, confident, and content. Whether it was onesies (our personal favorite), adorable patterns, or sweatpants, participation was high and spirits were lifted.

Then came Hawaiian Day. Considering the fact that most people do not have a gaudy Hawaiian shirt or grass skirt lying in the back of their closet, we were impressed with how most made the best with what they owned. The DIY grass skirts and unconventional uses of leis were particularly eye-catching. With winter right around the corner, the atmosphere tends to feel a little dull, but the beautiful Hawaiian hibiscuses brightened up the boring hallways.

However, not everyone loved the theme. Some thought that it was offensive to Hawaiian culture. Freshman Malia Cafasso, who used to live in Hawaii, said that the tourists were the only people in Hawaii that dressed like the stereotype we were portraying. Overall, we thought that it exceeded our expectations and was one of the best themes.

Green and White Day ended the week with ultimate school pride. There was a hardly a person not clad in their Dartmouth colors. “I feel like it’s a day that more people showed their spirit,” said freshman Kyle Lamontagne. “Since it’s Dartmouth’s colors, they can go all out with whatever they have.” Indeed, Green and White Day seemed to garner the most student involvement.

It is a well-known tradition that the upperclassmen boo freshmen at the pep rally. Tales of Silly-Stringing and harassment made some anxious about the event. “We’re probably going to get bullied,” said one freshman. “I might skip school Friday, so I don’t have to go to that pep rally.”

Others were excited to face the hate with a smile and a wave. “I want to be booed. If I was an upperclassman, I would boo me too,” said freshman Olivia Cornell. However, the expectations for the chorus of boos were not met. There was too much noise to distinguish the taunts from general conversation and the music of the band.

The creativity some thought the themes lacked was more than made up for by the dances and skits. The cheerleaders’ flips and tricks wowed the crowd and rallied even the quietest of students. When the football players joined them in a cute skit, their coordination and enthusiasm made for a very entertaining show. Even the teachers got in on the spirit. Their dance was amusing and caused a great deal of laughter. The upperclassmen’s Grease and High School Musical themed sketches brought nostalgia for the beloved movies.

Spirit Week had its pros and cons, but overall, it lived up to the hype. The experience was unique and helped us feel more accepted into the DHS community. As much as it is thought that Spirit Week is a time when the school is at war with itself, and as much as we boo each other, we cheer as one big family. It doesn’t matter what grade you are in, as long as the ‘great substantial yell’ is loud enough.