Executive Editor Mary Bancroft: It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Maddy Correia

Where did all the time go?

The Spectrum, the compelling school newspaper that you are currently reading from, has been in its current form for 17 years. Through the support of advisor Will Higgins and the contributions from writers and editors, The Spectrum has been able to give both student-administration communication and underground opinions a platform for expression and clarity. These two tasks are often difficult to accomplish in a high school, but passionate leaders in our school have proven that with dedication and persistence for finding truth, spaces can be formed for communication and cooperation. One of these leaders is current executive editor Mary Bancroft. Mary has been editor for three years (co-editor for one and a half, executive editor for one and a half) and has written 25 articles for The Spectrum.

Coming from someone who has known Mary for 15 years, her becoming editor of The Spectrum seems to be a fitting role. Mary has always been someone who balances fierce devotion and curiosity with a sprightly energy, causing to her being a joy when in company, but full of intensity and fervor when left alone with a project. When infused into the right human, these characteristics lead to a particularly skilled journalist, and Mary is a great example of this. Mary’s articles have delved into topics spanning from changes in school policies, to student life, to alluring matters happening in our SouthCoast area.

When asked what her favorite article is that she’s written, Mary cites her article about former Chief Official White House Photographer and Dartmouth native Pete Souza. “He gave me a full hour of his time,” she said. “It was wild to be able to talk to someone that worked so closely with President Obama and that has been interviewed by legitimate journalists from places like the New York Times.”

Mary’s great accomplishments in journalism are representative of one part of her personality: the same part that led to her acceptance into Northeastern University, that awarded her with four separate Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, and that drives her to take 17 hours worth of ballet per week. The part of her personality that isn’t really shared in her journalistic work is my favorite part: whimsical Mary.

For our 15 years of friendship, Mary has always had a part of her that doodles constantly, that daydreams like no other, and that is almost always on the brink of a laughing fit. Whenever I see abstract pencil doodles, I immediately think of Mary. This is because for all of high school, Mary’s abstract depictions of really anything that pops into her head and is drawable has appeared on my worksheets from every class (Every. Single. Class.) that we’ve had together. This includes the sheet music that we shared when Mary was my viola standpartner freshman year. What resonates with me in a nostalgic way about Mary’s viola music drawings is that some sheet music is reused in orchestra. For that reason, annually, I get to relive freshman year by giggling at those drawings. These doodles (mostly of me attending a Troye Sivan concert with the title “Muhday”), just like her spork hair accessories from middle school, are examples of Mary’s idiosyncrasies that have left lighthearted memories of her on people’s worksheets and their hearts.

While Mary’s contributions to The Spectrum are more representative of a different part of her character, Mary as a whole leaves DHS as a memorable and one-of-a-kind influencer. When Mary discusses how she feels she’s impacted DHS, she highlights The Spectrum’s ability to amplify student voices. “I hope it has made students feel like their voices are represented,” she said, “and perhaps enhanced their understanding and appreciation of journalism.”

As Mary continues her journey of sleepless nights and intense devotion, she is not sure of what comes next. “I’m majoring in English and Political Science (at Northeastern University) because those are the two areas which I’m most passionate about,” said Mary. “I do know that I want writing to be incorporated into my work and that I want to feel like what I do makes a difference. I will also definitely have a dog, probably named Hamilton.”