Rosa’s Guidance #2

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Ask Rosa for her advice. Please enter questions into the Google Form linked at the top of the article. Email addresses are not being collected.

Ask for Rosa’s Guidance. Please enter questions into this Google Form. Email addresses are not being collected.


My boyfriend left me. What should I do?

Rosa’s Advice

There are so many variables in this situation that I do not know. Like how long you were dating, the reason why he left you, or how you really are about this. So, without knowing more, it’s tough to give detailed advice. But I would say to acknowledge your pain, sadness, or anger. It is okay to feel the way you do, and you must give yourself time to process. 

According to Headspace, it is best to give yourself some distance away from the person to allow time to heal, talk to your friends and family so that they can support you, and to keep busy. For example you could go out to the beach with your friends or family so that you spend as little time alone at home. 

Student Advice

Here is what a DHS student thinks you should you do:

“Try to move on because if you guys broke up, it was for a reason. It’s best to find out who you are alone without depending on someone else.”