Meet your Classmate: Matt Caron

In an effort to learn more about students at DHS, The Spectrum will regularly select students at random to interview and feature in the student paper. (This process is truly random; a calculator was used to generate random numbers, which we assigned to cafeteria seats in all three lunch shifts)

Surrounded by a large group of laughing junior boys and eating a chicken fajita from the school cafeteria, junior Matt Caron is all smiles. In the third lunch shift where there are many extra seats and empty tables, his table is packed as his friends tell jokes and share stories that always end in more laughter.

Caron seems like an average high school junior who likes to hangout with friends, plays basketball in his free time, and loves playing NHL ‘14. After speaking with Matt for just a few minutes, however, one can see that he has a great sense of humor and is very funny.

When asked about their friend Matt, the boys at the table couldn’t wait to share things about him.

“He’s a wanderer,” said junior Jack Rose. “He’s really funny and always wears a green shirt.”

Junior Jacob Rose said, “He doesn’t really play any sports, but he’s still awesome because he drives a Volvo.”

“He’s wicked sarcastic,” said junior River Jorgenson. “He’ll fool you no matter how smart you are.”

The conversation was lively and many agreed that he was the class clown of the junior class.

If he wins the superlative for class clown next year, it wouldn’t be surprising. When asked to describe himself in a sentence he said, “Well, I enjoy long walks on the beach.”

He also mentioned that his favorite television show is Lost and that he likes buffalo chicken because it’s spicy and fried.

Matt does shotput with the track team where his personal record is 33 feet. He has been very involved in DECA since his freshman year and competes in the business and lodging management category. “I really hope they have DECA again next year because it’s a lot of fun,” he said.

Outside of school, Caron is a hard worker. For the past year, Caron has been landscaping with his Mom’s boyfriend’s landscaping company. “I sell mulch, stone, and work the land,” he said.

Caron said he can see himself doing landscaping for a long time. “I want to be a full time  landscaper,” he said. “I’ll probably also take some classes at BCC as well to stay on top of things.”

For someone who likes to joke and be sarcastic, he’s also very honest. “I hate school and can’t wait to get out,” he said. Matt did make an exception with Marine Biology, however, and said it is his favorite class.

“I don’t think there’s anything hidden about me,” said Caron. “I’m pretty much an open book.” He said he doesn’t really get embarrassed and he says what he thinks.

“He’s just a riot,” said Jorgenson. “He pushes the limit and is hilarious.” Jorgenson mentioned that sometimes Caron brings hot sauce to school and dares people to drink it at lunch. This story ended with an eruption of laughter from the table.

A typical Friday night for Matt includes hanging out with friends and eating food. He also said he enjoys going to DHS hockey games and would consider himself well known.

“A lot of people know me, I guess,” Matt said. He did get serious when he said that popularity is a good thing depending what you’re popular for.

For students at DHS who don’t know Matt, he is a person worth meeting. “People really have to find out who he is for themselves,” said Jorgenson. “He’s that great of a person.”