Jack Dias: The man, the myth, the legend

For most students, the adjustment from middle school to high school is a time of stress and apprehension. In dealing with new classes, hulking upperclassmen, and the pressure to join extracurriculars, freshman year could be considered the foundation to a four-year build-up until college.

However, one DHS freshman, Jack Dias, has learned firsthand what it’s like to adjust to time management skills in order to keep up with altered study habits. While many would find it difficult to juggle academia, sports, and the theater arts, Jack has attempted and succeeded to find a pace that works for him.

When discussing his schedule for past and future activities, it quickly became apparent that his days have been filled since before the school year. “I did football and drama, and this semester I’ll be doing lacrosse, and I’ll be in drama again,” he said.

With such a tight schedule, the idea of studying or even finishing a worksheet could be seemingly impossible. “It’s been trying,” he said. Despite the effort he applies to his extracurriculars, he always manages to finish homework first. “The quality of it matters over just getting it done,” he said.

Multitasking has come with repercussions, especially when obligations begin to clash. “Recently,” Dias said, “I had a test in algebra, then a test in history, then Freshman Seminar. Three days in a row where I had to take a test.”

In that time period, Jack had to learn how to divide his time evenly in order to get through the week without crashing and burning. With all freshmen, it’s all about assimilating to the norms of high school and trying to get out there as much as you can to widen your horizons. Where you start freshman year could jump start your interests in college and beyond.

As well as focusing on his schoolwork, Jack tries his best to be as well-rounded as possible. In the winter play done by the DHS Drama Club, A Christmas Carol, he starred as the Christmas-loving nephew of Ebenezer Scrooge, Fred. He didn’t let the anxiety of being a newcomer get to him of course. “After the first time, it becomes second nature,” he said.

A performer and DHS athlete, Dias has been playing football for six years and was appointed lineman on the freshman football team in the fall of 2014.

What do his peers think about his split between drama and athletics?

“Very relaxed about it, they don’t care,” he said. There is little to no problem in doing what he enjoys, so much so that Dias will be working in the spring production of the 1920’s-era musical Chicago. Only this time, he’ll be working behind the scenes as Assistant Stage Manager.

However, no matter how much he has on his plate, he believes that it will all be worth it by the end of his high school career when college applications come along. Dias is also interested in the joining the Navy when his college years have ended.

“I want to help people in need.” Jack said. “I think joining the Navy is a positive thing to do.” The thought of going into battle and potentially altercating with other people who view him as the enemy is something he doesn’t find entirely daunting. “I believe it’s right to protect the person next to you. If it’s for the greater good, I’ll do it.”

His inspiration in joining the armed services stems from his father who served in the military himself before Dias was born and his military-loving uncles. They all taught him “to do the right thing,” no matter what that might be. If all else fails and the Navy doesn’t go through, he’s decided to look into physical therapy and potentially setting up his own practice after college.

As for now, Jack has centered himself on the present. The high school experience, though it’s just begun, has made an impression on him. While he’s enjoyed meeting new teachers and being given more responsibilities as time goes on, he differs with the idea that his high school years will be the best experiences of his life.

“It’ll be a productive four years of my life,” he said, “but not the best four years of my life.”

As a future sophomore, Jack Dias offers some advice for future freshman students entering DHS. “Don’t fall behind and join as many activities as you can without being overwhelmed,” he said.