Band Seniors Speak Out

Ellie Rosen

Band seniors in uniform.

Alex Faria: I think we went into this year thinking that it would be a difficult one and in many ways, it was. As a senior class, we had to fill the spots of the people who left last year, but I think we stepped up and worked hard and it really paid off in the end. I’m so proud of this band for pulling it off again.

Logan Bolarinho: I’ve learned to lead less by talking and more by doing. Also to have fun I guess.

Brianna Furtado: For me, winning this year was so much more rewarding because there wasn’t a peak in the middle of the season, but right at the end where it counted the most.

Kate Jones: There’s something very special about the connection between performers after a great show. Before you’ve even said anything to each other, there’s a spark that we all recognize.

Rebecca Benoit: Band is a weird form of beautiful chaos – it’s absolutely insane and hectic and stressful, but in the end, we all come together and work our butts off to create and perform an awesome show.

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Adam Veloso: This program has put me through hell and high water, and I don’t regret a minute. It shaped me into someone I never thought I could be, and so I say thanks to everyone that made this journey so memorable.

Ellie Rosen: A common goal and a shared victory have formed a link between all of us that feels both permanent and undeniable. We are a part of this forever.

Buen Orbiso: Being part of the color guard has taught me a variety of life lessons both inside and outside the activity. This past season was definitely challenging, but it brought the group together as a whole and we got to face every problem we had together as a team. I am really thankful to have been part of this family.

Abby Keith: Band has taught me a lot about how to be a leader, even when you don’t have an official title. I know that learning my place and figuring out how to be helpful without stepping on anyone’s toes the past few years has been beyond helpful for the rest of my life.

Alex Barrachina: Everyone has to be perfect. The more work you put in, the better you are.

Valrie Paynton: No matter the trials or obstacles this group and myself have faced over the past five years, there is literally nowhere else that we could’ve gotten this experience, and the fact that it’s all shaped us not only as musicians, but as the people we are in our daily lives, is really unique and special. I’m really going to miss it, but I’m glad it ended on such a high note.

Kaitlyn Furtado: Band has allowed me to meet and become friends with some amazing people. I have made memories throughout my 4 years in this program that I will never forget. It has taught me to work harder for the goals I want to achieve and this year’s national championship win is no exception. I could not have asked for a better group of seniors to experience this with.

Caleb Enos: I am insanely proud of how far everyone in the program has come.

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